オオコウモリの食べ物 What they eat

参考文献:琉球の樹木 大川智史・林将之 文一総合出版/日本の野生植物木本 平凡社 など

All fruit bats feed on plant. They eat fruit, nectar, pollen and leaves. Japanese flying foxes have strong jaws and massive cranium which means basically they feed on fruit but when there are blooming flower available they come to lick nectar and may pollinate plants.

日本のオオコウモリの食べ物 The food of Japanese fruit bat

クビワオオコウモリ Ryukyu Flying Foxes Pteropus dasymullus

実を食べる Ryukyu Flying Foxes eat fruit.

モモタマナ(別名コバテイシ) シクンシ科 モモタマナ属 Tropical almond Terminalia catappa
The tree shape is distinguished by verticillate branchs. The large leaves of longer than 20cm turn red which are uncommon in tropics. They bear rugby ball shape fruit of 5cm in the major axis from winter to early spring which are fruit bats' special favarite. We sometimes see them carring the fruit so they help disperse them.

アコウ クワ科 イチジク属 Japanese Sea Fig Ficus superba
Large evergreen tree which produce many 1cm long fruit with tiny seeds within. Seeds are excreted in bats' feces. Fruitbats disperse seeds.

オオバイヌビワ クワ科 イチジク属 Ficus septics
Tall evergreen tree with large leaves. Distribute on Amami-oshima and more southern Islands in Japan. It bears one fig(syconia) in each axil of the leaf. Figs are depressed-globose with flat apex and whitish dots are on the surface. Flying foxes also eat leaves.

ガジュマル クワ科 イチジク属 Ficus microcarpa
Large evergreen tree which grows 8-10m sometimes 20m in height. It bears stalkless figs(syconia) in each axil of the leaf. Fig color is white or faint red and when fully ripened deep purple. Flying foxes also eat leaves.

ギランイヌビワ クワ科 イチジク属 Ficus variegata
Large evergreen tree around 10m. Distributed on the Yayeyama Islands, Taiwan, Spoutheast Asia, Australia. There are lots of The green globose fruits are around 12mm in diameter and cauliferous.

ハマイヌビワ クワ科 イチジク属 Ficus virgata
Evergreen medium sized tree(3-10m). Found the Tokara Islands and the islands south of it. Bears red globular fruit about 1cm in diamater in early summer. Flying foxes also eat leaves.

フクギ フクギ科 フクギ属 Common Garcinia Garcinia subelliptica
Native to Phillippine. Used lining a street and put a hedge around a house. Belong to same genus as a mangosteen. Bear orange-collour fruit in summer which flying foxes feed on. They also feed on the flowers.

バンジロウ(グアバ) フトモモ科 バンジロウ属 Common Guava Psidium guajava L.
Often seen in gardens. Fruit is flying foxes indulge in sweet fruit.

ホルトノキ ホルトノキ科 ホルトノキ属 Elaeocarpus sylvestris var. ellipticus
Evergreen tree grow on southern coast of Japan wihc is 10-15m in height. Old leaves turn into red. Bloom in summer and bear olive-like fruit. Fruit bats eat black ripen fruits in December

アカギ トウダイグサ科 アカギ属 Bischofia javanica
Evergreen tree of up to 20m. Bear a lot of dull orange colour fruit. They turn the bats' feces and pellets into orange. Native in Okinawa but introduced in the Ogasawara Islands. 20mほどになる常緑高木で、くすんだオレンジ色の実をたくさんつける。食べたオオコウモリの糞やペリットもオレンジ色になる。沖縄では自生であるが、小笠原では移入された外来種である。

テリハボク オトギリソウ科 テリハボク属 Calophyllum inophyllum
Grown on the Ryukyu Islands and more southern coast. Used shelter belt on the coast and put a hedge around a house. Produce green round fruit of 2cm in diameter which turn into brown when riped. 琉球列島以南の熱帯地方の海岸に生える高木で、防風林や街路樹として植えられる。実は緑色で熟すと茶色くなる。直径2cmでまん丸

イイギリ ヤナギ科 イイギリ属 Idesia polycarpa
A deciduous tall tree grown on Honshu and more southern areas .It bears 5-10mm red fruit in 13-30cm long panicles. The fruit is conspicuous as it often persist in the leafless trees in winter.
本州以南に生える落葉高木 赤い円錐花序の実をつける。冬、葉が落ちてからも実は残ることが多いのでよく目立つ。

花蜜を食べるRyukyu Flying Foxes also eat nectar.

ウジルカンダ(イルカンダ) マメ科 トビカズラ属 Mucuna macrocarpa
Evergreen large woody vine distributed from Southeast Asia to Kyushu, Japan. The flowers are purple and grow in trusses of about 20 cm in size. The main pollinator in Okinawa is Pteropus dasymallus.

デイゴ マメ科 デイゴ属 Erythrina variegata
Tall semi-deciduous tree of 5-15m in height. Believed to be native to India and Malay Peninsula. Planted in parks and roadside. In spring bears red flowers in racemose inflorescence on almost bare branches. Okinawa prefecture's flower. Since around 2005, there has been severe impact on the tree by Quadrastichus erythrinae causing damage on flower production and dieback.

トックリキワタ アオイ科 セイバ属 Floss Silk Tree or Drunken-Tree (Chorisia speciosa)
Used as trees lining a street in Okinawa. Bloom in December and January. Their nectar attract White-eyes and Bulbuls during day and flying foxes at night. Occasionally flying foxes leave pellet which imply some of them feed on petals. A close-up photography shows their nostrils are covered with pollens. 沖縄では街路樹としてよく見かけ、12月から1月に花を咲かせる。花蜜を舐めに昼間はメジロやヒヨドリが、夜はオオコウモリがやってくる。ペリットも多少あるので、花びらを食べる個体もいるようだ。写真をとってみたら、花粉も舐めていた。

オオバアカテツ アカテツ科 オオバアカテツ属 Palaquium formosanum
Tall evergreen tree. Natie to Taiwan and the Philippines. Planted in streets and parks. It blooms small yellow aggregate flowers from autumn to winter which have unique smell that are often not preferred. In Mihama American Village flying foxes are seen coming to the flowers. Pteropus dasymallus also eats the fruit.
常緑高木 台湾フィリピン原産 街路樹や公園に植えられる。秋から冬に淡い黄色の小さな密集した花をつけるが、独特の匂いがあり嫌われることがある。この花に、美浜タウンリゾート・アメリカンビレッジでクビワオオコウモリがやってくるのを見る。花の終わった後実がなり、クビワオオコウモリは実も食べる。

イジュ ツバキ科 ヒメツバキ属 Schima liukiuensis
Distribute from the Amami Islands and Okinawa Prefecture. Racemes of several flowers with white petals which are 5cm in diameter bloom at the end of branches in May and July.

カンヒザクラ バラ科 サクラ属 Cerasus campanulata
In Okinawa Cherry blossom means this species. The deep pink flowers blooms downward in January to February in Okinawa. The cherry blossom frontline swiftly makes its way down south from north and summit to base which is in opposite direction to other places.

ツルアダン タコノキ科 ツルアダン属 Freycinetia formosana
Evergreen liana. Common on Ishigaki, Iriomote, yonaguni island and the Ogasawara Islands. This species also distributed to Taiwan and the Philippines. Branches with aerial roots climb up tree stems to the canopy of 5-10m. Apical clusters of 2-4 spadix are conspicuous with yellowish-white wavy bracts. Fruits are slender and cylindrical.常緑つる性木本。石垣、西表、与那国、小笠原の林内や林縁にごく普通。台湾やフィリピンにも分布する。茎から気根をだし、他の樹木に上って茂り高さ5-10mになる。肉穂花序には2-4個の花が頂生し、波状の総苞片とともに黄白色でめだつ。果実は細い円筒形。

カショウクズマメ マメ科 トビカズラ属 Mucuna membranacea
Evergreen liana. Common on Ishigaki, Kohama, Iriomote and Younaguni island. It is found in Taiwan. From January to May, it has deep purple large pea-like flowers in racemose inflorescence.

ビロウ ヤシ科 ビロウ属 Livistona chinensis
A tall palm tree with fan-shaped leaves about 1-2m in diamater. The tree bears light yellow panicle in spring. These flowers are hidden among the leaves and are inconspicuous. Flying foxes gnow flower stalk to eat juicy liquid.

葉を食べるSometimes they eat leaves.

ソシンカ(ヨウテイボク) ジャケツイバラ科 バウヒニア属(ハカマカズラ属)、またはマメ科 Orchid tree of Camel's Foot Tree  Bauhinia 
Introduced from Asian countries and planted in gardens and parks. They produce pod like string beans after pink flowers. A fruitbat ate the leaves at a temple next to Nago city office with a popping sound when it pick firmly grown leaves. It insinuate it is not an everybat's taste.

クワノハエノキ ニレ科 エノキ属 Celtis boninensis
Tall deciduous tree which is common in Yamaguchi prefecture, western Kyushu, the Daito Islands, the Nansei Islands and the Ogasawara Islands. The tree is also planted in gardens.
落葉高木(5-15m) 山口、九州西部から先島諸島 大東、小笠原 庭木にも植えられる。

タイワンクズ マメ科 クズ属 Pueraria montana
Resembles Pueraria lobata which is common plant in mainland Japan. This species is found on Amami-Oshima island and islands south of it. It is also found in Taiwan and China. Usually grows at the edge of forests.

たまに昆虫を食べることもある Occasionally, they eat insects.

アオドウガネ 甲虫目 コガネムシ科 Anomala albopilosa
Green chafer is a kind of scarab of 20mm in total body length which is rich green and slightly shiny. They are attracted to light at night. They eat leaves.

オガサワラオオコウモリ Bonin Fling Fox Pteropus pselaphon

ヤシ科 Palms Arecaceae
Many species of palms are planted in the garden of the Subtropical Agriculture Centre and so on. Flying foxes chew these tough fibrous leaves.

タコノキ  タコノキ科 Pandanus boninensis
Endemic evergreen tree which grows up to 10m on the Ogasawara Islands and resembles screwpine in Okinawa. Japanese common name means Octpus Tree as it has Octpus-like aerial prop roots. The female plants produce fruits resembling pineapples changing from brown to bright orange when ripe. The sweet fruit scents attract not only flying foxes but also black rats, moth and fruit flies.

アオノリュウゼツラン リュウゼツラン科 リュウゼツラン属 Agave americana
Introduced in 1879 for producing fiber. Seven to eight years after germination, it grows a flower stalk and bloom tubal which produce quite amont of nectar then after fructification the plant die. 明治12年に繊維材料として輸入された。発芽後7−8年で花茎をのばして管状の花をつけ、花後結実した株は枯死する。

サイザルアサ リュウゼツラン科 リュウゼツラン属 Agave sisalana