Species 2000: Indexing the world's known species
Indexing the world's known species
Using Species 2000
Species Locator
Go to Dynamic Checklist
Go to Annual Checklist
Species 2000 has the objective of enumerating all known species of plants, animals, fungi and microbes on Earth as the baseline dataset for studies of global biodiversity. It will also provide a simple access point enabling users to link from here to other data systems for all groups of organisms, using direct species-links.

Users worldwide will be able to verify the scientific name, status and classification of any known species via the Species Locator, which provides access to species checklist data drawn from an array of participating databases.

2nd International Workshop of Species 2000
Biological Diversity: Value of Information for the 21st Century
July 14-16 1999, Tsukuba, Japan
Who is involved
Project Team
Technical Team
Mirror Sites
The Species 2000 Project
What's New
About Species 2000
Your Comments
How to help
Technical Plan
Standard Data
Technical Specification

5 Kingdoms graphic 60KB

UNEP (United Nations Environment Program IUMS (International Union of Microbiological Societies) CODATA IUBS (International Union of Biological Sciences
Website hosted by BIOSIS UK. Webmaster Judith Howcroft webmaster@sp2000.org
Design by Dr M.L. Brugman, ETI, and Species 2000 Secretariat. Last updated 06/07/99